I had to fight my urge to lean over to my sister and roll my eyes. We were in mass, as we were every Sunday, and the cantor was starting up the next song. It was “Prayer of St. Francis” again. "Make me a channel of your peace, where there is hatred let me bring your love, where there is darkness, only light, and where there’s sadness ever joy.” “We get it,” I thought, “we should be peaceful!” My adolescent brain wanted to be entertained, not bored! Fast forward 25 years and there I am in the pew with my own children, tearing up and asking God to make me a more peaceful mother, a mother who “never seeks so much to be consoled as to console”. These hymns that once seemed non-applicable to my life, now move me to my core and serve as lilting prayers as I sing them throughout my days. This collection is an homage to the beauty of those songs. I’ll never capture it fully, but this is my attempt to turn them into visual art, that they may grace your walls and remind you to hear hymns with new ears.


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Click any pattern to open the full-screen gallery.