On most afternoons, you’ll find me opening my front door as 3 little boys race out to the yard. Sunlight peaks through our blooming white mulberry tree, each branch swaying peacefully in the warm air. The neighbors passing by wave to my boys and watch them each grab their favorite toy: a basketball for my oldest, a bike for my middle, and a wagon for my baby. Our home at springtime is full of color, light, and texture: a lush oasis of beauty you wouldn’t expect from a suburban desert. But you might miss all the wonder if you didn’t slow down and join in on the boys’ curiosity and imagination. It’s because of these children that I find magic in these afternoons. They make me stop and notice the little things, the new bloom, the baby bird, the trail of ants. These are moments of light in a simple front yard on an otherwise routine day. On Larkspur is a celebration of the thousand little things that make home beautiful, if only you are as small and curious as a child to look for them.
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